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Green Pool Cleanup

Last Updated: July 13 2020
Reading Time: 6 minutes

green algae on pool tiles

Green, yellow and black algae on pool tiles.

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Many pool owners can experience green pools or green spas. Algae can cause many issues like staining your pools surface or even producing toxins. If your pool does not clean up, you should consider hiring a professional. With our easy to use website you can hire local business to come get the job done hassle free!

Health hazard

A green pool should not be ignored, and you most certainly should not swim in it. The green color is caused by a large amount of algae. Algae can sometimes indicate the presence of other existing bacteria which can most certainly be harmful like ammonia. Algae are formed when water is lacking circulation, there is an imbalance of chemicals or if the water temperature is higher than normal. Some of these substances can be very toxic and you should definitely regularly test your water to make sure that you are not developing any toxic bacteria.

Steps to Clean a Green Pool

Routinely maintenance

If you find yourself neglecting routinely pool cleaning you should think of hiring a pool maintenance specialist and setting up a schedule. With our website you can get the best deal and have a clean pool.

Not only algae:

Keep in mind your pool can also be contaminated with ammonia or sulfur. If your pools water is contaminated with ammonia you should first off check your chlorine levels. Pool water with ammonia will have a chlorine level of close to zero. Sulfur, a chemical found naturally in many plants and foods, can also cause a green pool. Along with creating a green pool sulfur can also cause your water to smell bad and organic contamination. Sulfur is also hazardous to human health! It can cause if ingested diarrhea and nausea.

The odds

A normal amount of green should take around 24 hours to clear up. If the steps above did not improve the green ness of your swimming pool you should try calling a company and getting professional help!


If you have cloudy pool water then you can add water clarifier instead of flock.

Watch for chlorine level because it will probably go down next day.

Before you use any new product in your pool read label first because it may stain your pool.

Make sure that any of your pool chemicals do not include any mercury. Mercury is not a chemical to mess with called a dangerous neurotoxin. Sometimes unreliable companies can use mercury in their chlorine. If you have contact with mercury it can cause health effects like blindness, chemical burns and sometimes death following your contact with mercury.


Having a green pool water does not mean you cannot fix it. Treating a green pool will require time effort and care. You should also care weekly for your pool like adding other chemicals to prevent your pool from greening weekly. If you find yourself in a situation that you cannot clarify your water, you should call a local business and gain more information. With our services you can easily complete this process and hire a local business!

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